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  • Writer's pictureMichael Collins

Starting a new Story

I started a new project a few days ago. A fantasy-like story set in a series of kingdoms surrounding a dark land filled with mystery and an army bent on ending all human life. I’m writing the first story while writing what will become my bible for future stories. As of writing this, I’m about 9,000 words in (three chapters). This is about when I add the fantasy-like story because I don’t have much fantasy in my fantasy story. Outside of the talk of prophecy and specific elements, the story is more of a melodrama than an action-packed fantasy. I know where this story is going, and there is action to come, but I’m worried that I’m so worried about setting up the world that I’m not doing enough to keep the story flowing. I’ll post a small part of the rough draft to this unnamed story below. I hope to take my crappy fiction writing into a new direction (something people might read), and god willing, make more than $6 on ten books.

Part of Chapter two

Early in the morning, just as the sun started to illuminate the valley, a young girl began on what would be a backbreaking day of labor. Young Tempest Hest knew her hard work would one day make her one of the most sought out people within the seven kingdoms. She was on her second day of apprenticeship in the royal gardens. The first year of work as an apprentice will be spent cleaning the stones and benches by hand every day. By her first month, she should know every inch of every stone in the garden, knowing what is good and what must be replaced. Young Tempest was fifteen when her world ended.

Tempest started by the black pond so she could get that part done before the sun started to heat the murky water spreading vile scent in the air. She never looked up, so she didn’t see the change in the Prophecy flower. Tempest felt something tickle the back of her neck and a strange new scent in the air. A light formed in the dark pond. The light arose in front of Tempest and stopped just inches from her face. The light moved up into the air. Tempest followed the light seeing the changes in the flower for the first time. A new scent was in the air, something like roses with a hint of copper and a touch of raw meat. The scent grew until it surrounded her, overwhelming all her senses until everything went black.

Tempest found herself in a valley filled with death and decay. Long dead trees and shrubs with the bones of small animals. In the valley stood a long metal tube shaped like an arrow with a pointed end aimed toward the sky. Her vision moved to another hill filled with similar machines and a vast legion of soldiers all in black armor. A word came to her along with an understanding.

Tempest said, “On that day the holy fire will rain over the kingdoms and all was death and ash. From that ash, a new army took hold of the land and ended the world of man.”

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